2.9.2023, 1–6 p.m., Atelier, Villa Schoeck
3.9.2023, 1–4 p.m., Atelier, Villa Schoeck
Final concert: 3.9.2023, 7 p.m., Restaurant Stauffacher
> Tickets
Song Duo Masterclass: Songs by Othmar Schoeck
Directed by Cornelia Kallisch
With lectures organised in collaboration with the Technical University of Braunschweig (Prof. Cord-Friedrich Berghahn)
Selected songs by Othmar Schoeck will be the subject of exploration and performance in programmes of circa 45 minutes each, with a focus on the texts that Schoeck set to music. The result will be an overview of the extensive song oeuvre of the composer. A short lecture will engage with the text of the song to be rehearsed, after which singing students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts will hone their interpretation under the guidance of Cornelia Kallisch. In a concluding discussion with all the participants, further questions and ideas will be explored.
In collaboration with the Technical University of Braunschweig and the Lucerne School of Music.
Directed by: Cornelia Kallisch
Piano: Robin Phillips
Presentation: Sarah Görlich, Trajan Päckert, Natalie Streckrodt, TU Braunschweig
Mentoring: Prof. Dr. Cord-Friedrich Berghahn
Saturday, 2.9., 1–6 p.m.
Reiselied, op. 12 Nr. 1 (Eichendorff)
Introduction: Cord-Friedrich Berghahn
Interpreter: Dario Lupi
Frühlingsblick, op. 5 Nr. 3 (Lenau)
Introduction: Sarah Görlich
Interpreter: Evgeniya Zaikina
Auf dem Rhein, op. 30 Nr. 12 (Eichendorff)
Introduction: Trajan Päckert
Interpreter: Gaudenz Wigger
In der Fremde, op. 15 Nr. 4 (Eichendorff)
Introduction: Sarah Görlich
Interpreter: Evgeniya Zaikina
Break, ca. 14.20
Die Einsame, op. 10 Nr. 2 (Eichendorff)
Introduction: Cord-Friedrich Berghahn
Interpreter: Elena Dietrich, Piano: Maxime Trechsel
Peregrina II, op. 17 Nr. 4 (Mörike)
Introduction: Natalie Streckrodt
Interpreter: Johanna Rademacher
Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? op. 4 Nr. 2 (Heine)
Introduction: Sarah Görlich
Interpreter: Evgeniya Zaikina
Erinnerung, op. 17 Nr. 5 (Eichendorff)
Introduction: Trajan Päckert
Interpreter: Elena Dietrich
Break, ca. 16.00
Requiem, op. 60 Nr. 25 (Meyer)
Introduction: Cord-Friedrich Berghahn
Interpreter: Gaudenz Wigger
Schwarzschattende Kastanie, op. 60 Nr. 24 (Meyer)
Introduction: Natalie Streckrodt
Interpreter: Dario Lupi
Nachtlied, op. 20 Nr. 13 (Eichendorff)
Introduction: Trajan Päckert
Interpreter: Johanna Rademacher
Pfeifen, op. 44 Nr. 7 (Hesse)
Introduction: Sarah Görlich
Interpreter: Elena Dietrich, Klavier: Maxime Trechsel
Der frohe Wandersmann, op. 17 Nr. 8 (Eichendorff)
Introduction: Trajan Päckert
All participants of the Masterclass Liedduo
Sunday, 3.9., 1–4 p.m.
Reiselied, op. 12 Nr. 1 (Eichendorff) Dario Lupi
Frühlingsblick, op. 5 Nr. 3 (Lenau) Evgeniya Zaikina
Auf dem Rhein, op. 30 Nr. 12 (Eichendorff) Gaudenz Wigger
In der Fremde, op. 15 Nr. 4 (Eichendorff) Evgeniya Zaikina
Die Einsame, op. 10 Nr. 2 (Eichendorff) Elena Dietrich, Klavier: Maxime Trechsel
Peregrina II, op. 17 Nr. 4 (Mörike) Johanna Rademacher
Break, ca. 14.30
Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? op. 4 Nr. 2 (Heine), Evgeniya Zaikina
Erinnerung, op. 17 Nr. 5 (Eichendorff), Elena Dietrich
Requiem, op. 60 Nr. 25 (Meyer), Gaudenz Wigger
Schwarzschattende Kastanie, op. 60 Nr. 24 (Meyer), Dario Lupi
Nachtlied, op. 20 Nr. 13 (Eichendorff), Johanna Rademacher
Pfeifen, op. 44 Nr. 7 (Hesse), Elena Dietrich, Klavier: Maxime Trechsel
Der frohe Wandersmann, op. 17 Nr. 8 (Eichendorff), all
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