Full steam ahead: Schoeck’s early compositions brought him rapid attention on the international scene.

Othmar Schoeck grew up in Brunnen, then began his music studies at the Zurich Conservatory in 1904. In 1907, he accepted an invitation from Max Reger to join his composition class in Leipzig. After returning to Switzerland, Schoeck earned his living by conducting two men’s choirs in Zurich while his fame as a composer continued to grow.

Schoeck felt committed to Austro-German Romanticism and saw himself as a successor to Schubert and Hugo Wolf, though he was also well-acquainted with the works of his contemporaries and drew inspiration from them. The 2024 Othmar Schoeck Festival presents a musical panorama of Europe at the beginning of the early 20th century and takes a closer look at the initial career steps of this composer from Brunnen in the years before the First World War.

Opening concert

Bartók, Ravel and Schoeck with the Moser String Quartet
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Othmar Schoeck and published opinion
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Konzert und Uraufführung

Compositions by Othmar Schoeck and early contemporaries, together with two world premieres
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Church service

St Leonhard’s Roman-Catholic Church, Ingenbohl
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Podium discussion

Panel discussion to conclude the press research project of the Musicological Institute of Zurich University
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«futur composé»
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Symphony Concert

Kammerorchester Basel
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Othmar Schoeck Festival 2024
6.–8.9.2024, Brunnen
> Deutsch

All images are from the collection of the Swiss National Museum.
Key visual: The spherical balloon „Theodor Schaeck“ on Lake Neuchâtel. It is pulled by the ship „La Broye“. Around 1915.