Brunnen, boat station with passengers, docking steamship. Before 1900.
Collection of the Swiss National Museum
Saturday, 7 September 2024, 8 p.m.
Concert and world premiere
Villa Schoeck
> sold out
Introduction (7.15 p.m.): Inga Mai Groote
Compositions for soprano, violin and piano by Alma Mahler, Erwin Schulhoff and Othmar Schoeck, together with world premieres by Aregnaz Martirosyan and Christoph Pfändler.
Julia Spaeth, soprano
Susanne Zapf, violin
Nadezda Tseluykina, piano
Erwin Schulhoff (1894–1942): Sonata for Violin and Piano op. 7 (1913)
Three Atmospheric Pictures (after poems from Die Garbe by Hans Steiger) for soprano, violin and piano op. 12 (1913)
Othmar Schoeck (1886–1957): Three songs after Heine, op. 4 for voice, violin and piano (1906)
Alma Mahler (1879–1964):
In meines Vaters Garten (Hartleben)
Der Erkennende (Werfel)
Hymne an die Nacht (Novalis)
Christoph Pfändler (*1992): Duo for soprano and violin (first performance)
Aregnaz Martirosyan (*1993): Duo for violin and piano (first performance)
Admission: Fr. 35.- (concessions: Fr. 30.-)
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