Two steamboats on Lake Geneva before 1900, with the „Aigle“ sailing away in the background.
Collection of the Swiss National Museum
Friday, 6 September 2024, 8 p.m.
Opening concert
Reformed Church, Ingenbohl-Brunnen
> Tickets
Introducion (7.15 p.m.): Eva Boll
A love unheard-of: Béla Bartók and Othmar Schoeck both fell in love with the Hungarian violinist Stefi Geyer. We here feature their first string quartets, together with Maurice Ravel’s roughly contemporaneous String Quartet in F Major, his sole essay in the genre.
Moser String Quartet:
Kanon Miyashita, Violin
Patricia Muro, Violin
Jorge Gallardo, Viola
Lea Galasso, Violoncello
Béla Bartók (1881–1945), String Quartet No. 1 (1908/09)
Othmar Schoeck (1886–1957), String Quartet No. 1, op. 23 (1911/13)
Maurice Ravel (1875–1937), String Quartet in F Major, op. 35 (1902/1903)
Admission: Fr. 35.- (concessions: Fr. 30.-)
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